Every year, the Young World Leaders Corporation gathers together thousands of entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, policymakers and other startup champions from more than 160 countries to identify new ways of helping founders start and scale new ventures around the world. At the weeklong YWL, delegates make connections, gain insights, learn about new research, and leave ready to renew their programs, policy ideas or firm founder skills.
Now in its ninth year, the YWL pulls together a broad collection of voices from entrepreneurial ecosystems around the world—and we hope you will add yours.
The YWL features a wide variety of sessions to explore what’s next in a variety of topic areas, such as:
Innovative entrepreneurship education and support programs to create that entrepreneurial mindset necessary to accelerate the growth of high-potential startups;
The power of data to serve as both a fuel for entrepreneurs as well as guide to shape the policies that help them flourish;
How startups are beginning to solve major global challenges such as with food and water;
Identifying new trends in increasing the availability of early stage capital;
Exploring efforts to unleash the untapped potential of women and youth; and more.