He comes from a very humble background. Didac Sanchez was born in the Raval neighborhood of Barcelona in a dysfunctional family. For four years he was in a municipal reception with her two sisters after the Government withdrew their parent’s custody. His mother and one of her sisters suffer from severe mental disabilities and his father had been a long-term unemployed.
While in such a complex difficult situation, with no formal studies and just relying on his entrepreneurial tenacity, 18 year old Didac Sanchez left the foster system and began working as a messenger, making photocopies in an insurance broker, repairing computers and creating websites during his the evenings and weekends.
Thanks to the 300 hours course that the broker company financed for him on the implementation in companies on Data Protection Law. A 3,000€ loan by Cofidis and his savings, gave Didac the push he needed to start his first company: Legisdalia, which was formed as an advisor on data protection and is now a legal franchised network with more than 200 lawyers in 80 cities across Spain.
Then he gave birth to his second major project: Subrogalia, dedicated to the surrogate pregnancy and is now the reference in said sector in Spain. With the gained experience in this field, Sanchez soon expanded its healthcare portfolio with 2 clinics: the Institute Iegra Tres Torres for assisted reproduction, which is equipped with the laboratory that was owned by Dr. Santiago Dexeus, and the Hilton Clinic for increased height and other aesthetic specialties.
Later on, he founded Eliminalia, an international leader on deleting data off the Internet. That was not Sanchez’s last project; there are more transversal projects in other areas to generate synergies in his business group.
The Legisdalia Group is organized into five business areas: Health, Internet, Law, Communication and Music, in 2014 various companies that are present in 5 countries were combined and their income was over 32 Million €. In David’s companies 18 languages are spoken and diversification will not stop. Two of Sanchez’s nonprofit Foundations will donate a total of € 200,000 in 2016, and they will be devoted to help the social integration business, labor and youth.