He is an investor and entrepreneur. He was born in Sweden and studied at Uppsala University in his native country where he earned a degree in Business Administration (BSc) and one in Physical Engineering (MSc), his last year he studied it at the University of Michigan in the United States. After graduating, his first job was in one of the first major phone companies in Europe: Tele2. Zennström is currently a partner of Atomic and co-chairman Joost company.
Apparently to Zennström 2006 was a great year because he received several prizes and awards in different categories, some of them were: Business Leader of the Year, Agent Technology of the Year and was named Entrepreneur of the Year in recognition of business transformation. Along with his wife Catherine, he founded Zensström Philanthropies in 2007; which is responsible for protecting the environment with the help of organizations caring for human and environmental rights.
After leaving the company Tele2, Zennstrom and Friis (colleague) began developing KaZaA, a service for sharing multimedia files for free; the project was presented to the Consumer Empowerment Company in 2001. Currently the company is responsible for administering the service is Sharman Networks. Often KaZaA has been accused as being the worst Spyware for allowing illegal music downloads and just like Napster, they were sued for large amounts of money so the company has been forced to change KaZaA into a paid service.
Friiz and Zannström are part of VOIP (voice-over-internet-protocol), a movement that seeks to change the way calls are made, which leads to the development of the service free online calls: Skype, which has its headquarters in Luxembourg and currently the company in charge for keeping it operational is Like Silver Partners.
Skype was released in 2003 as an online calling service , then in 2005 they offered free videoconferencing, that same year eBay bought Skype for 2,100 million euros, then in 2009 Silver Like Partners bought it for 2.75 trillion of dollars.