Cuervo is 32 years old and has created Elkanodata, a company specializing in information design. The company was developed under the visualization data model agency in United States. When Pau was living in the USA the project started, he discovered the demand for this type of service. Currently, the start-up is formed by a multidisciplinary team and has 70% of its customers in the North American country.
After living in India, Brazil and USA, Pau adapted a room in his home as an office and invested money in a computer. Since then, the company has now grown to 11 employees and among its clients are: Spotify, United Nations or NYU Stern, Colorado Department of Education, Pegasystems, Wrigley, or Harvard School of Sanofi Pasteur and others. Pau has a clear objective: to shine between the three most important design agencies in the world at the level of billing and quality.
Cuervo states that the digital age has brought a real demand for data presentation in an attractive and digestible way. That is the project’s starting point, following the guidelines of agencies of this type in the United States. Companies need new formats to transfer information to the outside world, and new tools to internally manage the information they generate. Elkanodata provides data visualization, computerized graphics and Motion Graphics.
Four years ago, the company won a prize that was given by The Economist thanks to an app that showed information through a table game with computer graphics to the audience through mobile. This is a prestigious award that only three companies have been granted worldwide.
ElkanoData team consists of 6 people with an average of 26 years old; they are American, Italian, Venezuelan and Spanish and work with the common goal to grow the business both domestically and internationally. Fun fact, the company has grown only by reinvesting profits and its own funds. It does not have any investor or public support.