Adam M. Grant gives more than he takes

Born on August 13, 1981. Grant graduated from Harvard in 2003 with the highest honors in psychology, Phi Beta Kappa and magna cum laude honors. That was not enough for him; he went straight to the University of Michigan where he finished his PhD in organizational psychology in less than three years.

Adam M Grant gives more than he takes

This writer, award-winning professor, researcher has given so much to the scientific and general public; such as the evidence-based systems that improve performance and lessen the burnout among engineers and salespeople, boost call center efficiency, and encourage assisting and safety manners among doctors, lifeguards and nurses.

His work focuses on pro-social helping, work incentive, job projects, leadership, employee initiative and proactivity among others. He is the author of A Revolutionary Approach to Success: Give and Take. It was published in April 2013 by Viking Press.

He has published over 60 articles related to the leading management and psychology journals, like the Academy of a Journal Management, Psychological Science, Social Psychology and more including even a Harvard Business Review. He has created numerous experiential learning deeds based on The Apprentice; the profits were over $118,000 for Make-A-Wish Foundation. The money helped develop leadership along with the collaboration and networking skills.

Professor Grant earned many prestigious awards for eminent scholarly success. The Cummings Scholarly Achievement Award is one of them; he got it for his early career contributions. He was also honored with at Wharton with the highest- rated teacher award.

On his Tumblr website he writes about several interesting topics, not all of them are psychology related, you can find life hacks and useful tips while job hunting. Feel free to check them out at There are also a couple of pages websites you can find out more about him: and